An "all encompassing" workshop for SCREENWRITERS, DIRECTORS and ACTORS! Come and enjoy an afternoon of information that will either jump-start your career or give new life to your current one! A $60 investment for this inspirational Master Class taught by Michael Wood.
Screenwriters - learn what makes a script impress industry professionals, getting practical tips that will help you get your script past gatekeepers and one step closer to getting made into a terrific movie.
Directors - learn a few must-know indie film tips - how to shoot something that's both practical and feasible, but that will still wow audiences, and learn a business game-plan for how to go from an artist with an idea to a celebrated director.
Actors - learn what the industry is looking for in your audition, and how to wow the person on the other side so that you can get the film and television roles you want.
Michael Wood is an entertainment business professional and consultant with years of experience in both the Hollywood and Nashville film industries. Michael started the Nashville Film Festival Screenwriting Competition during his tenure at the Nashville Film Festival, and read scripts for Morgan Freeman's production company, Revelations Entertainment, during his time in Los Angeles. He graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in Writing For Screen & Television, where he was mentored by countless Emmy-winning, industry-legend Hollywood writers. He currently shares what he's learned as a consultant for those interested in careers in the film and television industries, and has helped many writers improve their scripts into contest-winners. He is also the author of a nonfiction book on writing for the film, television, and literary industries entitled The Popular Writer's Code, as well the author of a fiction novel entitled Quantum Love.